Image requirements

Save in the right sizes and formats. Clean and color correct the images. Make a selection.

No scatches, no dust or excessive amount of backscatter and particles, please. Make sure that digital images or scans are cleaned up.



Psd (Photoshop), jpg, tiff or png format preferred.

Minimum file sizes required

3000 pixels along the longest axis for feature articles.
2000 pixels along the longest axis for images to be posted on websites and social media.


It doesn't really matterthe pixel count mentioned above does.
But if you wouldn't mind, while you are at it anyway, please save the images in 144 dpi, as it would save us some time.

Clean the images first

Images should be cleaned and colour corrected. Images with dust, scratches, backscatter, compression artefacts or other visible blemished will be rejected. So will images that are out of focus or incorrectly exposed for that matter so check the histograms! !

No jpg compression

Do not compress jpgs please as it leaves compression artefacts.
Save jpgs directly from the original tiff or raw file as saving and re-saving a jpgs repeatedly will cause deterioration of image quality.

Omit copyright notices and watermarks

Please do not superimpose any copyright notices or visible watermarks on the image itself. We will add credit bylines or copyright notices along the image according to our general design guidelines. When we publish the magazine the pdf will be copy-protected with a password against image extraction.

Rename your image files

Out of the camera, image files tend to be named according to some standard conventions—for example, DSC023044.jpg.   Can you see the problem?  

  1. The next contributor in line may also have their files automatically named in the same manner, and then we risk a conflict or overwrite.  
  2.  It doesn't tell us anything, who took it or what story it goes with.

Please use the following general file naming convention for images:

  • Image number_Location_DiveSite_SpeciesNameAndBehaviour_ByPhotographerName

The file number/name gives sequence and caption information, which helps us place it in the right spot in your text.
List location and/or dive site first in all file names.
Use ‘ByPhotographerName’ to credit the photographer, so we know they are not a person in the photo.

See file name examples below:

  • DC1012_Bali_Tulamben_HouseReef_HairyFrogfishGuardingEggsOnNightDive_ByJaneDoe
  • DS4043_Dorset_Weymouth_HMSWarriorII_JohnSmithAtPropeller_ByJaneDoe


Please do not use punctuation or symbols in file names, as they cause InDesign to crash.
Use folders to group images by photographer, so we know whom to credit.
Place topside photos in a separate folder.

Send a meaningful selection - not a huge load.

Browsing through CD's or massive file transfers with hundreds of unsorted images does not only take a considerable time for the editor but it should be you who select the most important images and not the graphic designer who probably doesn't has the foggiest idea which images are most significant and is for most parts is already maxed out.

If in doubt, make a primary selection of 10-15 images and a secondary selection of preferably no more than 30 additional images.  Put these in different folders.

Remember captions

Please include meaningful captions with names, locations and descriptions for all photographs. Some photographs of people require a signed release from the subject.

File Transfer

See: How to submit
